开场白:随着“工业4.0”及中国制造2025规划的提出,制造业已经进入了新的发展环境,虽然企业正在关注“智能制造”、互联网、工业大数据和信息化,但传统制造向智能制造升级、蜕变,其中的实现方法和现实路径依然在艰苦的探索中。第十三届中国制造业国际论坛于201 6年9月28日-29日在天津梅江会展中心召开,论坛以“构建制造业新生态-—创新、智能、价值”为主议题。如何让智能制造不只停留在概念上,而是结合中国企业自有特点,给出适用于中国企业的实施路径。下面我们请几位与会嘉宾谈谈看法。
Opening Remarks: With the proposition of “Industry 4.0” and the “Made in China 2025” plan, the manufacturing industry has entered a new development environment. Although enterprises are paying attention to “smart manufacturing”, internet, industrial big data and informationization, the traditional Manufacturing to upgrade to smart manufacturing, transformation, of which the realization of the method and the path of reality is still hard to explore. The 13th China Manufacturing International Forum was held on September 28-29, 2011 in Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center. The forum focused on the theme of “Building a New Ecology of Manufacturing Industry - Innovation, Intelligence and Value”. How to make intelligent manufacturing not only stay in the concept, but with the characteristics of Chinese enterprises, given for the implementation of Chinese enterprises to implement the path. Here are some of our guests invited to talk about the view.