目的:深入探讨体表窦房结电图对窦房结起搏与传导功能检测的临床意义。方法:采用南京生产的体表窦房结检测仪对210例患者进行窦房结功能检测,并对其中126例施行阿托品试验。结果2l0例中,正常窦性心律组70例中仅有2例窦房传导时间(SACT)延长,而窦性心动过缓组140例中有9l例SACT延长。窦房传导时间延长的93例中,注射阿托品后恢复正常的有68例,未恢复正常25例,两组有显著性差别。结论:采用体表窦房结电图检测仪检测窦房功能同时结合阿托品试验,不仅可以排除因迷走神经亢奋所导致的SACT延长,而且SACT检测也可纠正阿托品试验单凭心律变化来判定假阳性的片面性,增强对窦房结功能检测的准确性。“,”Objective: To investigate the significance of SNEb on detection of pacing and conduction capacity of Sinus Node.Methods: 210 cases were divided into two groups: Normal Sinus Rhythm group(n = 70) and Sinus Bradycardia group (n = 140).SNEbs were recorded on all the patients and among whom Atropine tests were conducted on 126 cases. Results: In Normal SinusRhythm group only 2 had SACT prolongation,but in Sinus Bradycardia group 90 patients had such a problem. Then Atropine testswere conducted on 93 SACT prolongation cases,after injection,68 returned to normal and the remaining 25 not recoered. Statisticsshowed that there was significant difference between 2 groups. Conclusions: SNEb recording combined with Atropine test can rule outhypervagotonia-induced SACT prolongation,and SACT detection can correct false positive Atropine test results judged only by heartrate changes and consequently increases the accuracy rate of examination of Sinus Node function.