时光荏苒,从艺不觉四十载,先当演员,后学编剧。前后创作、整理传统剧目,改编剧本计三十余本,其中,与人合作、本人执笔的《曲判记》、《告老尚书》,先后参加省戏剧会演并获了奖。回顾创作历程,真是甘辛苦乐备尝。 写戏重写人 “文学即人学。”戏曲文学(剧本)当不例外。人物是戏剧的灵魂,塑造典型人物是剧本创作的根本任务。著名戏剧理论家贝克说:“一部戏的永久价值都在于人物塑造。”可见,写好人物至关重要,甚至可以决定一部剧本的成败。 从人物的思想性格里派生出来的戏剧情节,才
Time flies, from forty unconsciously contained, first as an actor, after school screenwriter. Before and after the creation, finishing the traditional repertoire, adapted screenplay more than thirty books, including cooperation with others, I wrote “songwriter”, “report the old Shangshu”, successively participated in the provincial drama performance and won the award. Recalling the creative process, really hard to prepare. Writing rewriting people “literature that is human.” Drama literature (script) when no exception. People are the soul of drama, and the typical task of creating scripts is to create a typical figure. Well-known dramatic theorist Baker said: “The permanent value of a movie lies in the character shaping.” Visible, writing people is crucial, and even can determine the success or failure of a script. From the ideological character of the drama derived from the plot, only