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著名秦腔演员肖玉玲,是广大群众喜爱的旦角。三月十一日她来到长武县,为该县剧团演员和戏校学生传经授艺,受到大家的欢迎。三月十五日,对该县戏校的四十五名学员的唱腔,武打,动作等基本功,逐个进行了辅导。她说:演员就得从小培养,功底要从开头抓起。肖玉玲还为该县剧团排演了《起解》,《三堂会审》两个折子戏。在排练中,她给演员做示范表演同在舞台上正式演出一样认真,跪唱了将近一个小时,演员们十 Xiao Yu-ling, a famous actress of the Qin Dynasty, is the favorite corner of the masses. She came to Changwu County on March 11 and was widely acclaimed as a performer and theater student of the troupe in the county. On March 15, one by one, counseling was conducted on the basic skills of singing, martial arts, and acting of forty-five students in the theater in the county. She said: actors have to be trained since childhood, skills to start from the beginning. Xiao Yuling also rehearsed for the county theater “from the solution”, “three sessions will be the trial,” two break show. During the rehearsal, she gave the performers exemplary performances as serious as the formal performance on stage, knelt for nearly an hour, the actors ten