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近几年由于台湾钓法的影响,一人一竿的钓鱼方式十分盛行,而传统的一人双竿或多竿的钓法已逐渐被很多人摒弃,甚至一提起用双竿钓鱼,便嗤之以鼻。觉得这种钓法很不正规,是一种广种薄收的方法,是那些钓技不精的人才会用的,情况真是这样吗?其实不是。在这里我就谈一点近几年我使用双竿钓法的体会,看能不能为双竿钓法正正名。 In recent years, due to the influence of Taiwan’s fishing method, the one-man fishing method is very popular. However, the traditional one-person fishing method with double-pole or multi-pole fishing has gradually been abandoned by many people and even scoffed at the mention of fishing with double-pole fishing. Feel that the fishing method is very informal, is a wide variety of thin income methods, those who are not skilled fishing technology will be used, the situation is so? Actually not. Here I will talk about my experience of using double-pole fishing in recent years to see if I can name my double-pole fishing method.
摘要:随着社会的快速发展,人们生活水平得到了很大的提升,人的寿命也在逐渐增长。目前很多国家都已经進入到老龄化阶段。在这样的背景下,老年人的产品设计变得更加重要。要想让老年人更好地享受高科技产品给他们带来的巨大便利,我们必须从老年人的角度出发,对信息产品的界面进行更加人性化的设计。  关键词:体验视角 老年人 界面设计 研究  在进行产品设计的过程中,老年人是一类比较特殊的群体。这类群体对于新鲜事物