丹佛智能筛查法(简称 DDST)对0~6岁小儿能早期发现发育异常情况,在儿童保健工作中有重要作用。此种方法己为许多国家采用,并在我国上海及北方六市(北京、西安、沈阳、大连、哈尔滨、佳木斯)正常儿童中行再标准化。我们在1985年7~12月对兰州市1360名0~6岁体格健康儿童用 DDST 进行了筛查,现将筛查结果报告如下:资料来源和方法一、资料:筛查对象为兰州市城关区、七里河区、安宁区中的健康儿童1360
The Denver Intelligent Screening Act (DDST) can detect early developmental abnormalities in children aged 0 to 6 years and plays an important role in children’s health care work. This method has been adopted by many countries and re-standardized in the normal children’s bureaus in Shanghai and northern six cities (Beijing, Xi’an, Shenyang, Dalian, Harbin and Jiamusi). We conducted a screening of 1360 children aged 0-6 in Lanzhou City from July to December 1985 with DDST. The results of the screening are reported as follows: Materials and Methods I. Data: The screening subjects are Chengguan Township, Lanzhou City District, Qilihe District, Anning District healthy children in 1360