报告了最近研制的牙科无铍、含钛的镍基烤瓷合金(NCT1)和无铍、不含钛的镍基烤瓷合金(NC1)的可铸造性。试验采用网格检测法和薄片铸造法,通过计算网格数和薄片完整性来评价可铸造性。结果表明这两种合金网格铸出率为100% 。NC1 和NCT1 薄片铸出率分别为975% 和950% ,两组无显著差异。研究结果说明加入少量钛到镍基合金中,对合金的可铸造性无显著的不良影响。
The castability of recently developed dental non-beryllium, titanium-containing nickel-based ceramic alloys (NCT1) and non-beryllium-titanium-free nickel-based ceramic alloys (NC1) was reported. The test uses grid inspection and sheet casting to evaluate castability by calculating the number of grids and the integrity of the sheet. The results show that the cast rate of the two alloy grids is 100%. The casting rates of NC1 and NCT1 flakes were 975% and 950%, respectively, with no significant difference between the two groups. The results show that adding a small amount of titanium into the nickel-based alloy has no significant adverse effect on the castability of the alloy.