近年来,随着四化建设的需要和档案事业的发展,各种类型的企业档案馆应运而生,且有逐年增多之势。企业档案馆建成后,首先遇到的问题就是接收什么样的档案进馆,如何组织馆藏,丰富馆藏。因此,制定一个什么样的馆藏政策,是每个企业档案馆必然面临的一个重要问题,也是影响和制约企业档案馆今后发展的一个关键因素。 一、制定馆藏政策的必要性 (一)企业档案数量庞大,必须有选择地接收。在我国,建立档案馆的企业一般都是大型企业或大型联合企业,由于大型企业的规模大、生产工艺复杂、专业分工细致、管理幅度广阔、产品规格品种繁多、科技水平较高,因而在各项生产活动中所形成的档案也都具有数量大、种类多、专业性强、内容庞杂等特点。以鞍山钢铁公司为例,在建国42年的发展过程中,所属151个综合档案室已形成110多万卷文书、科技、会计、人事及其它各类专门档案及资料,而1986年建成的面积为3580m~2的鞍钢档案馆至多可接收25万卷档案进馆。如不正确地制定馆藏政策,科学地划定进馆档案的范围,就不能有选择地接收应该接收的档案进馆,就会给今后的管理和利用带来隐患。
In recent years, with the needs of the four modernizations and the development of archives, various types of enterprise archives came into being, with the trend of increasing year by year. Enterprise archives is completed, the first problem encountered is receiving what kind of file into the museum, how to organize collections, enrich the collection. Therefore, what kind of collection policy should be formulated is an important issue that every enterprise archives must face. It is also a key factor that affects and restricts the future development of the enterprise archives. First, the need to develop a collection policy (A) a large number of enterprise files, must be selectively received. In our country, enterprises that establish archives are generally large-scale enterprises or large-scale integrated enterprises. Due to the large-scale enterprises, complicated production techniques, detailed division of labor, broad management scope, wide variety of product specifications and high level of science and technology, The files formed in the production activities also have the characteristics of large quantity, variety, specialization and complex content. Take Anshan Iron and Steel Company as an example. During the 42 years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, its 151 integrated archives have formed more than 1.1 million documents, scientific and technological, accounting, personnel and other specialized archives and materials. The area completed in 1986 For 3580m ~ 2 Anshan Iron and Steel Archives can receive up to 250,000 volumes into the museum archives. If we do not correctly formulate the collection policy and scientifically delineate the scope of archives, we can not selectively receive the archives that should be received into the museum, which will bring hidden dangers to future management and utilization.