进入九十年代,扶贫工作面临具有战略意义的转折.要认识和实现这种转折,首先要看到贫困问题是千百年来历史积淀的结果,是全球性现象.因此,彻底解决贫困问题、也需要一个历史过程.“七五”期间,全国农村人均纯收入200元以下的贫困人口,从1.2亿减少到3800多万,下降了62%.大部分连片贫困区,基本解决了温饱问题.到1990年底,全国可以基本实现1986年国务院提出的“七五”期间解决全国大多数贫困地区人民温饱问题的目标. 国际社会对近年来中国政府卓有成效的扶贫工作给予了高度评价.以缓解贫困问题为主题的1990年《世界银行发展报告》预测:到本世纪末,中国的贫困发生率仅2.9%,将是发展中国家贫困缓解速度最快、贫困发生率最低的国家之一.
Entering the nineties, poverty alleviation is facing a strategic turning point. To understand and realize this turning point, we must first of all see that poverty is the result of centuries-old historical accumulation and a global phenomenon. Therefore, to completely solve the problem of poverty, Also need a historical process .In the “Seventh Five-Year” period, the national average per capita net income of rural residents in less than 200 yuan from 120 million to more than 3800 million, down 62% most of the contiguous poor areas, basically solved the problem of food and clothing By the end of 1990, the country could basically meet the goal set by the State Council in 1986 during the “7th Five-Year Plan” to solve the problem of food and clothing for the needs of the poor in most parts of the country, and the international community highly appraised the Chinese government for its fruitful efforts in alleviating poverty in recent years. The 1990 issue of the World Bank Development Report on the theme of the problem predicts that by the turn of the century, the incidence of poverty in China will only be 2.9%. It will be one of the countries in developing countries where poverty will be alleviated most rapidly and the poverty rate will be the lowest.