The patient was male, 64 years old, with flustered, dizzy 1O more days, no cough, sputum, fever, and other discomfort. Physical examination: There was no enlargement of the superficial lymph nodes. The breath sounds of the two lungs were still clear, and there was no tenderness in the sternum. The X-ray chest radiograph showed a left-sided lower lung with a 10 cm×10 cm shadow with clear boundaries. The operation showed that the tumor was located in the left lower lobe of the lung, and there was no adhesion with the surrounding tissue. There was no enlargement of the hilar lymph nodes. A left lung lobe resection was performed and a hilar lymph node was removed and sent for pathological examination. Pathological examination, the tumor was grayish white, 11cm × 10cm × 10cm in size, located in the lung parenchyma, with a clear boundary of lung tissue, cut surface and more