时下,有相当一部分企业不景气,经受了前所未有的困难,产品销售不畅,生产半死半活,资金相互拖欠难以解扣。出现这种状况的原因,除了受外部经济大环境影响外,作为企业本身是否也应对自己的行为作一番反思呢? 企业本身的行为失误在哪里?现在有很多同志已逐渐有所认识。一是被市场的“热”冲昏头脑。有的企业在产品旺销的时候,似乎忘乎所以,不注意产品结构的调整和质量的提高,不注意资金
Nowadays, a considerable number of companies are in a sluggish state, experiencing unprecedented difficulties, poor product sales, half-dead half-lives, and mutual funding arrears. The reasons for this situation, in addition to being affected by the external economic environment, as a business itself should also reflect on their own behavior? Where is the company’s own behavior errors? Now many comrades have gradually become aware of. The first was dazzled by the “hot” of the market. Some companies seem to forget about the time they sell their products. They do not pay attention to product structure adjustment and quality improvement, and pay no attention to funds.