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载人飞船回收着陆半实物仿真系统是通过模拟飞船返回压力环境,将回收程控装置硬件实物接入仿真回路的一个半实物仿真试验平台。文章简要介绍了该半实物仿真系统的结构,重点叙述了该半实物仿真系统中特有的负压高精度快速调节压力模拟、多通路指令信号处理、混合式网络、多阶段动力学仿真框架等关键技术。 The semi-physical simulation system of the manned spacecraft’s airship landing repositioning is a semi-physical simulation test platform that recuperates the hardware of the program-controlled device into the simulation circuit by simulating the return of the spacecraft to the pressure environment. The article briefly introduces the structure of the semi-physical simulation system, and focuses on the key of the semi-physical simulation system, such as the pressure and precision high-precision pressure regulation, multi-path signal processing, hybrid network, multi-stage dynamics simulation framework technology.
对某学校的生活污水采用接触氧化和局部充氧波形潜流人工湿地的生物生态组合工艺进行处理,出水水质达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)的Ⅳ类标准,可以排入木兰湖,也可以回用。