【摘 要】
As one of the linguistic phenomena,inflection has embodied strong brands of times,experiencing enormous change of which the trend is the loss of inflection.This
As one of the linguistic phenomena,inflection has embodied strong brands of times,experiencing enormous change of which the trend is the loss of inflection.This thesis analyzed the reasons of the development trend of inflection from the internal and external factors,explaining the profound influences of the reduction of inflection on the English language which are both on the micro level and on the macro level.
As one of the linguistic phenomena, inflection has embodied strong brands of times, experiencing enormous change of which the trend is the loss of inflection.This paper’s reasons for the development trend of inflection from the internal and external factors, of the reduction of inflection on the English language which are both on the micro level and on the macro level.
【摘要】大多数学者在研究《家园》时,将研究重点放在弗兰克的自我救赎与回家之路上,而忽视了茜的成长与觉醒过程。因此,该文从主题研究的角度入手,分别从茜的四个成长阶段,即出生与童年阶段,被弃阶段,为博医生工作阶段以及重归莲华镇阶段,深入探讨了茜的成长与觉醒过程。在前三个阶段,茜纯真朴实,依赖他人,最终在最后一个阶段独立自主,达到觉醒。 【关键词】茜 成长 觉醒 主题研究 【Abstract】In
With economic globalization and culture conflicts,a world language is sought for communication and cooperation across intra-nation or inter-nation.English,emerg
In Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen expresses her attitudes towards love and marriage through rich appraisal resources from the characters in this novel. The
【Abstract】Have you ever heard about a popular movie called date with an angel? It must be sweet and lovely. But have you ever imagine about dating with death? What is your feeling when you have a chan
【摘要】一个优秀的学科教师,想要赢得全班同学对英语学科的无限热爱,除了教师的特色教学之外,特色的管理也是不可缺少的因素。特色的管理就是每个英语教师要组建自己的学科团队。让学科团队发光发热,照亮学困生那黑暗、冰冷的世界。团队的组建,教师的眼光不能只聚焦于优秀生,更要善于使用学困生。实践证明:学科团队充分调动了学生学习英语的积极性,提高了自主学习英语的能力。 【关键词】学科团队 教学管理 教育专家