小宝宝出生后,从母体中带来的抗体逐渐消失,需要按一定的免疫程序注射预防针,增强孩子的抵抗力,达到预防传染病的目的。这是预防疾病的一种有效措施,但并非所有的孩子都适宜这样做。在下面的情况下,应暂时避免打预防针: 一、正在患感冒或因各种疾病引起发热的小儿,若打预防针,会使体温升高,或诱发和加重疾病。二、患传染病后正处于恢复期或有急性传染病接触史而又未过检疫期的小儿。若此时打预防针容易发生不良反应,或使原有的病情加重。三、有哮喘、湿疹、荨麻疹及过敏性体质的小儿,打预防针后易
After the baby is born, the antibodies brought from the mother gradually disappear, and need to be vaccinated according to a certain immunization procedure to enhance the child’s resistance so as to prevent the infectious diseases. This is an effective measure to prevent illness, but not all children are fit for it. In the following circumstances, should temporarily avoid playing vaccination: First, is suffering from a cold or a variety of diseases caused by fever in children, if the prophylactic, will increase body temperature, or induce and aggravate the disease. Second, suffering from infectious diseases is in recovery or acute infectious disease contact history but not the quarantine period of children. If this time playing a preventive treatment prone to adverse reactions, or make the original condition worsened. Third, asthma, eczema, urticaria and allergic constitution pediatric, playing preventive needle