
来源 :国际经济法学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lk123ad
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发展中国家在全球财富与权力分配格局中的弱势地位,是南北关系国际结构根源与发展中国家自身国内结构根源互为因果、复杂互动的产物。传统的国际经济新秩序运动片面强调南北矛盾的国际结构根源,严重忽视了发展中国家的国内结构根源。发展中国家倡导的国际经济新秩序与发达国家主导的自由主义国际经济秩序并非势不两立、水火难容。一种完整理解的公正、合理的国际经济新秩序,必须既是追求效率的自由的国际经济秩序,又是追求公平的民主的国际经济秩序。发展中国家应该立足于不断转型变迁的国际结构,积极务实地推动南南联合的复兴和南北合作的深化。中国应该独立自主地作出自身的国际经济新秩序战略定位,既积极审慎地推动完善自由的国际经济秩序,同时积极审慎地推动建立公平的国际经济秩序。 The disadvantaged position of developing countries in the distribution pattern of global wealth and power is the product of the causal and complex mutual interaction between the root causes of the international structure of the North-South relations and the root causes of the domestic structural structures of the developing countries themselves. The traditional campaign of a new international economic order has stressed one side the international structural causes of contradictions in the South and the West and seriously neglected the structural roots of the developing countries. The new international economic order advocated by the developing countries and the liberal international economic order led by the developed countries are not irreconcilable. A completely understood fair and reasonable new international economic order must be both a free international economic order that pursues efficiency and a democratic and democratic international economic order that pursues fairness. Developing countries should base their efforts on the ongoing restructuring and transformation of the international structure and actively and pragmatically promote the reunification of South-South cooperation and the deepening of North-South cooperation. China should make its own strategic positioning of the new international economic order independently and autonomously, actively and prudently promote the improvement of a free international economic order and actively and prudently promote the establishment of a fair international economic order.