Analysis of umayyad islamic silver coins (Dirhams) by using instrumental neutron activation analysis

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cypbvg
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Islamic silver coins (Dirhams) running the period between 107 to 126 Hijri( (726-743 AD), which belong to the Umayyad Empire period, 41-132 hijri (661-750 AD), were selected for analysis by using instrumental neutron activation analysis techniques. During this period (105-126H), (724-743AD), the Caliph Hisham Eben Abdlemalek ruled the Umayyad Empire. Dirhams were irradiated in a reactor neutron activation facility. Levels of various elements viz. Cu, Ag and Au were estimated. It was found that the average silver concentration, the base constituent of the Dirham, was about 88 wt%. Correlation between the composition of Dirhams and the historical implications was discussed. Islamic silver coins (Dirhams) running the period between 107 to 126 Hijri ((726-743 AD), which belong to the Umayyad Empire period, 41-132 hijri (661-750 AD), were selected for analysis by using instrumental neutron activation analysis techniques. During this period (105-126H), (724-743AD), the Caliph Hisham Eben Abdlemalek ruled the Umayyad Empire. Dirhams were irradiated in a reactor neutron activation facility. Levels of various elements viz. Cu, Ag and Au were estimated. It was found that the average silver concentration, the base constituent of the Dirham, was about 88 wt%. Correlation between the composition of Dirhams and the historical implications was discussed.
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