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  “Every scar has a story,” people say. A glimpse of those blemishes in my legs will help you to refute this argument.1 I am prone to physical scars which actually offer me nothing to brag about, since most of them were left from mosquito bites.2 I believe, however, every hurt will leave a scar, a body scar or even worse, a soul scar.
  With penitence and prayer for forgiveness, I hereby share my scar story.3 It is not a story of me, but a story about how I caused hurt, leaving a scar here, in my own heart and a scar there, in his heart.
  “How dare you? I’m fed up with you doing this!”My anger finally burst out4 when my son refused to go to the painting classes for the third time that day, after I believed that I had talked him over his reluctance earlier. He responded with nothing but an attitude of rolling his eyes at me. And it was this unexplained, unanticipated bold spirit of defiance that escalated my fury and blurred my sober mind.5 To resume my authority, I played bitter sarcasm, “OK, if you wanna be a good-for-nothing, then move your butt back to bed for that useless sleep.”6 It turned out that my strategy was a total disaster. Seemingly, he took it willingly. I lost complete control of my temper. Bang! Bang! Bang! I made a dart and spanked at him.7 “I pay for your food, your drink, your clothes and work hard every day to pay for the best education I can afford for you. This is how you pay me back?” I screamed at the top of my lungs8. Unexpectedly, he didn’t cry or talk back to me. There was something like a scare and terror in his eyes. Shortly, he responded in silence with a strange look, a look of helplessness that I had never seen before. This wasn’t the first time I had cried out the malicious9 screams and curses at him. He used to wail10 violently and beg me to pardon him. The innocence shining in his big round eyes would beat that hottempered monster in me away in the end. But this time…
  “You are such a disgrace11. Bad boy! Shame on you. I am sick of all of it!” I was doing another bombard12 of cries and curses when my elder sister came visiting us to check if we were okay. He jumped right out of bed as soon as he heard his aunt to welcome her, as if he hadn’t noticed that I was bitterly angry. At the sight of the flare-up13 of tension between us, my sister offered him a trip to her place. When I used to be crotchety14, my son would always stay for me to cool down. But this offer, he took with a light heart and a relief. “Enough! Get out of my house! You are not my boy anymore!” My yelling had reached the farthest and I had mixed feelings.
  They left, abandoning me in absolute solitude15. Physical exhaustion came upon me from nowhere, paralyzing16 my ability to do anything else. I had to throw myself to bed as the night fell. Into this darkness I sank, pulling my mind down to a state of activity.17 Was what he had done really an irritating case? Negative. Had I ever given it a chance to listen to and understand him? Negative. Did such a rage come solely from his misbehavior18? Negative. My job, the endless demanding work, my family life, the monotonous house chores, my kid, his pious hope for my full companionship and my guilt of sacrificing the time with him for the illusive completion of work all framed a minefield, for the explosion of which, all that was needed was a fuse.19 I was a bad, terrible, horrible, awful, and evil mother. My son was the victim, I had to confess.
  My sister phoned to inform me of the latest news about him. He declined an outdoor walk, a ride in the park, and even his favorite toys and games. “What do ya wanna do, my dear?” asked his aunt gently. Aimlessly moving alongside the walls around the room, he answered, “Nothing. I just wanna be alone.” My sister blamed me for such a premature20 reply from a 4-year-old boy. “Come. Correct your fault. Make up for his heartbroken loss.” My sister gave me the irresistible command.
  Shame was upon an adult like me. I didn’t have the courage to admit my own fault before a kid. When I saw him avoiding my presence the moment I stepped into his shelter, I felt hurt and frustrated. So I turned back and was about to leave when my son dashed to the front door in a sudden and grabbed my leg, holding me back hard with his two arms, pleading wildly for my mercy.21 “Mom, don’t go. Mom, don’t leave me. I wanna be your boy. Mom, please. Mom, please, I am your boy…” I could read the greatest sorrow and the most genuine innocence in his crying big round eyes. I stooped down, holding this tiny shivering creature tight in my arms, tears coursing down my face.22
  For those who believe “Sticks and stones may break the bone, but words can never hurt anyone”, I have a piece of heartfelt23 advice. Do not ever try this most powerful weapon against the people you love. It is sharp enough to cut the deepest into a soul and bleed the most delicate part.24 I have tried, and caused hurt, leaving a scar here, in my own heart and a scar there, in my little boy’s heart.   1. blemish: 疤痕;refute: 驳斥,反驳。
  2. 我很自然就会想到自己身上那些不值一提的疤痕,绝大部分都是被蚊子咬之后留下的。be prone (to): 有……倾向的,易于……;brag: 吹嘘。
  3. penitence: 忏悔,悔过;hereby:以此,特此。
  4. burst out: 突然发出,爆发。
  5. defiance: 违抗,蔑视;escalate:(使)变得更糟,(使)变得更严重;blur:(使)模糊,(使)看不清。
  6. resume:(中断后)继续;bitter:尖刻的,讽刺的;sarcasm: 讽刺,挖苦;good-for-nothing: 无用的人,懒惰的人。
  7. dart: 猛冲,飞奔;spank: 打(尤指小孩的)屁股。
  8. at the top of one’s lungs: 用某人最大的声音喊叫。
  9. malicious: 恶意的,恶毒的。
  10. wail: 恸哭,嚎啕大哭。
  11. disgrace: 耻辱。
  12. bombard: 连续攻击(某人或某物),这里作名词。
  13. flare-up:(怒气或暴力行为的)突然发作。
  14. crotchety: 脾气坏的,易怒的。
  15. solitude: 独处,孤独。
  16. paralyze: 使不能正常运作,使陷入瘫痪。
  17. 我在黑暗中心情低落,各种想法在脑袋里不停地转着。
  18. misbehavior: 不礼貌,冒犯。
  19. 我的工作没完没了,费时费力;我的家庭生活沉闷单调,全是家务;我的孩子希望我寸步不离地陪伴他,但这却不可能实现;而我为了根本完不成的工作牺牲了亲子时间,感到万分愧疚,这一切都构成了一个雷区,只需要一個导火索,便会将我引爆。monotonous: 单调的,乏味的;pious hope: 不切实际的希望,空中楼阁;illusive: 虚假的,错觉的;minefield: 雷区;fuse:导火索。
  20. premature: 不成熟的,仓促的。
  21. dash: 猛冲,飞奔;plead: 恳求,请求。
  22. stoop: 俯身,弯腰;course: v. 流淌,流动。
  23. heartfelt: 衷心的,诚挚的。
  24. 它锋利到足以刺伤内心最深处那最柔弱的地方,令人血流不止。delicate: 娇弱的,易受损的。
重拾经典  “真正的艺术来源于心灵的创造”,文学名著正是如此。本文作者曾经很排斥阅读经典文学名著,认为那些书既乏味又厚重,但是在偶然阅读了一本经典名著《美丽新世界》后,作者从书中获得了关于社会和人性的深刻感悟。在充满了快餐读物的今天,让我们一起重温这些人類精神的财富吧!
中国有句古话叫“穷则思变”,就是说人一旦到了穷途末路时,就会寻求改变。其实,寻求变化未必就是因为被逼到窘境,更多时候可能是为了实现更美好的人生。然而,人世间没有免费的午餐,上天更不会凭空掉下馅饼,几乎任何的收获都需要付出代价。  恰如原文中所说,减肥塑形是当今的一大潮流,在这个特别关注健康与形象的时代,不管男女老少均深知其必要性。然而,要达此效果必须改掉长期养成的睡懒觉习惯,花时间勤锻炼,还要节制
2015年4月22日,瑞士登山家Dani Arnold以1小时46分创造了马特洪峰北壁上的速攀新纪录,这个成绩比之前的“瑞士机器”Ueli Steck在2009年的速攀纪录快了10分钟。恰逢人类登顶马特洪峰150周年纪念,这是Dani Arnold代表人类给阿尔卑斯山最好的献礼。    4月22日上午10:20,31岁的Dani Arnold掐停了随身携带的计时表,时间刚刚过去1小时46分,此刻他
让我爱上飞行的时刻  “你成长的标志之_,就是不再想要一个靠窗的座位。”这曾是我无比认同的一句话。不知从何时起,我在飞机上只会盯着手提电脑屏幕,或者像其他人_样一睡不醒。偶尔的偶尔我也会朝窗外看看,那也只是在没有WiFi或是电脑没电的时候。然而,突如其来的闪电大餐和云朵盛宴似乎改变了我,让我瞬间放下了手头的工作,目不转睛地盯着窗外。你也有过这样的时刻吗?“当时那些必须完成的工作我早已不记得,而那些
对于每个人而言,真正的职责只有一个:找到自我。然后在心中坚守其一生,全心全意永不停息,所有其他的路都是不完整的,是人的逃避方式,是对大众理想的懦弱回归,是随波逐流,是对内心的恐惧。  ——黑塞《德米安》  他是中国最顶级的攀登者。但如果不加上关键词,你在网上是搜不出攀登者周鹏的。至少大坑一开始没有搜出来。  体育界,周鹏是篮球运动员,跆拳道运动员,皮划艇运动员。演艺界,周鹏是一个不知名的歌手和演员
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred off the Pacific coast of Tohoku in Japan.1  The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake was the most powerful known earthquake ever to have hit Japan, and it
作家,又称“坐家”。不论是执笔手写,还是敲键盘码字,都需要坐在房子里写作品。作家的房子犹如一部自传,暴露出游离在他们文字之外的另一面,平淡现实可触及,却不流于浅俗。跟随本文的脚步,一起来探访十大著名作家的故居,看看这些创作灵魂的所在,究竟是怎样的地方,讲述了怎样的故事呢?  A writer’s home is a kind of autobiography1, and visiting the
李鹤  从一名职业白领,到遇上摩托车并成为摩托车重度爱好者,又从一名业余摩托车车手,一路骑到了职业赛场,最后成立了国内第一支也是惟一一支女子职业摩托车队—新蜂女子车队。因为国内摩托车赛事不分男女没有女子组别,她们只能与男子同场竞技。几年来,她们拿到十多个奖杯,最好成绩是团体冠军。如今她又开始创业,成立了新蜂旗下品牌UP Lady,致力于打造中国第一个以女性运动为核心的互联网平台。    一个女人的
I recently gave Stephen Hawking a boomerang1. It was an odd2 gift to give the world’s most famous scientist, but Stephen immediately understood its significance.  When I gave it to him, he flashed me