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目的研究分析PCT、CRP诊疗在重症细菌感染患者中的应用效果。方法选择2014年7月—2015年6月在本校第一附属医院接受治疗的重症细菌感染患者50例设为观察组,同时选择50例健康体检者设为对照组,比较两组的CRP、PCT水平及CRP与PCT阳性率;并给予患者针对性的治疗后,比较治疗前后患者CRP、PCT水平的变化。计量资料采用配对t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05差异有统计学意义。结果观察组的CRP水平为(38.84±7.58)mg/L,PCT水平为(10.13±4.67)ng/ml,对照组的CRP水平为(4.69±1.33)mg/L,PCT水平为(0.34±0.12)ng/ml,对比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。观察组的CRP阳性率为70.0%,PCT阳性率为94.0%,对照组的CRP阳性率为20.0%,PCT阳性率为14.0%,对比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。治疗后,观察组的CRP与PCT水平较治疗前明显降低,对比差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 PCT、CRP在重症细菌感染的诊断与治疗中有十分高的应用价值,在患者的病情程度与康复预后的评估中发挥着重要作用。 Objective To study the application effect of PCT and CRP diagnosis and treatment in patients with severe bacterial infection. Methods Fifty patients with severe bacterial infection who were treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of our school from July 2014 to June 2015 were selected as the observation group and 50 healthy subjects were selected as the control group. CRP, PCT Level and the positive rate of CRP and PCT; and patients were given targeted treatment, compared before and after treatment in patients with CRP, PCT level changes. Measurement data using paired t test, count data using χ2 test, P <0.05 difference was statistically significant. Results The CRP level in the observation group was (38.84 ± 7.58) mg / L, the PCT level was (10.13 ± 4.67) ng / ml in the observation group, the CRP level in the control group was (4.69 ± 1.33) mg / L and the PCT level was (0.34 ± 0.12 ) ng / ml, the difference was statistically significant (all P <0.05). The positive rate of CRP in the observation group was 70.0%, the positive rate of PCT was 94.0%, the positive rate of CRP in the control group was 20.0% and the positive rate of PCT was 14.0%. The difference was statistically significant (both P <0.05). After treatment, the CRP and PCT levels in the observation group were significantly lower than those before treatment, with significant differences between the two groups (all P <0.05). Conclusion The PCT and CRP have very high value in the diagnosis and treatment of severe bacterial infections and play an important role in assessing the severity of illness and prognosis of patients.
亲爱的奶奶,是您的一句句话让我变得懂事,是您的悉心照料让我茁壮成长。这些我都铭记于心。以前一直没有机会向您敞开心扉,今天就让我一吐为快吧!  奶奶,现在请您不要再对我“说谎”了。小时候,您看到我吃饭时老是把饭掉到地上,您就告诉我:吃饭掉饭粒,长大了会娶长“麻子”的老婆。您还说,说谎的小孩子会被大狼狗吃掉。那时我还小,特别相信您说的话,所以,我吃饭从来不敢掉饭粒,就算掉了也会及时捡起来;我更不敢撒谎
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