集中组织 统筹安排 广泛应用磁性槽泥改造电机新技术

来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:livida
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磁性槽泥(简称CC材料)是由高纯度铁粉和高粘度树脂及固化剂组成。将它抹压在电机定子槽口内,可减少电动机自身损耗,使空载电流平均下降19.6%,效率可提高1.25%,温升下降12℃左右。1989年省市节能工作会议把应用磁性槽泥改造电机作为指令推广的项目,引起我局高度重视,决心把这项工作抓紧抓好。 我们进行了深入细致的研究,并对各企业的能力和现状作了具体分析,感到改造任务量这么大,时间又很紧迫,分散改造不如集中改造好,各行其事不如统一管理方便。本着这一认识,我局果断地作出了以局的名义集中统一建站的决定。本着先易后难,先小后大;先改造备用电机,再替换在用电机的原则,对全局电机统筹安排改造。考虑到鞍山化肥厂技术力量较强,职工热情高,场地适宜,故将推广站设在该厂,并委托一名厂级领导负责,由卷线班承担日常服务推广工作。局能源设备科对 Magnetic tank mud (referred to as CC material) is composed of high purity iron powder, high viscosity resin and curing agent. Squeezing it in the slot of the stator of the motor can reduce the loss of the motor itself, reducing the no-load current by an average of 19.6%, the efficiency can be increased by 1.25%, and the temperature rise can be reduced by about 12°C. In 1989, the provincial and municipal energy conservation work conference adopted the project of using magnetic tank mud to transform the motor as a directive to promote the project. This caused the attention of our bureau and determined to grasp this task. We conducted in-depth and meticulous research, and conducted a detailed analysis of the capabilities and status quo of various companies. We feel that the amount of reconstruction tasks is so large and the time is very urgent. Decentralization and reconstruction is not as good as centralized reform. It is not as easy as unified management. In line with this understanding, the SIPO made a decisive decision to centralize and establish the station in the name of the bureau. In the first place, it is difficult to be difficult, first to be small and large; to replace the spare motor first, and then to replace the principle of using the motor, and to co-ordinate the overall arrangement of the motor. Considering that the Anshan Fertilizer Plant has strong technical strength, high enthusiasm for employees, and appropriate venues, the promotion station will be located at the plant, and a factory-level leader will be entrusted with the responsibility for the daily service promotion work. Bureau of Energy Equipment
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