1 case report patient male, 23 years old. A soldier. Sudden chest tightness, chest pain discomfort 8h, primary health team check ECG prompt acute anterior myocardial infarction, transferred to our hospital for further treatment. Patients have a history of smoking 5 years, 20 daily, a history of hypertension for 3 years, a family history of cardiovascular disease. Physical examination: body weight 80kg, blood pressure 150 / 90mmHg, no abnormal lungs, heart rate 85 / min, no smell and heart murmur. Abdomen soft, liver and spleen ribs untouched, double lower extremity is not swollen. Laboratory tests showed high blood triglyceride, liver and kidney function, blood glucose, biochemical, blood clotting five, blood were normal. Diagnosis of coronary heart disease, acute anterior myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography showed that the anterior descending artery was occluded in the middle of the emergency department, and one stent was implanted. After the operation, it was given blood stasis, nourishing the myocardium, expanding the crown, lowering blood pressure, anticoagulant and stable plaque