为了了解健康人念珠菌带菌情况,我们于1985年在兰州地区对不同工作、不同性别年龄1210人进行了调查,兹将结果报告如下: 一、一般资料调查在8个不同工作环境、不同性别年龄健康人群中进行,包括政府机关人员、部队指战员、工厂职工、医院人员及大中小学学生等。受检者共1210人其中男885人、女325人,年龄6~61岁、其中12~40岁891人,占73.6%,调查时间为10~11月。受检者每人采取皮屑(第ⅢⅣ指缝间皮肤刮屑)、口腔(咽拭子)、中段尿3种材料,分别接种在沙氏培养基上、然后鉴定菌株。
In order to understand the carrying status of Candida albicans in healthy people, we conducted a survey on 1,210 people of different sexes and ages in Lanzhou in 1985, and the results are reported as follows: I. General Information The survey was conducted in 8 different work environments with different sexes Healthy people, including government agencies, military officers and men, factory workers, hospital staff and students in primary and secondary schools. A total of 1210 subjects, including 885 males and 325 females, aged 6 to 61 years old, of which 891 were 12 to 40 years old, accounting for 73.6% of the survey period from October to November. Subjects each take dander (Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅳ inter-finger skin scraping shaving), oral (throat swab), the middle of the urine of three kinds of materials were inoculated on Sabouraud medium, and then identify strains.