亞洲及太平洋區域和平會議不久即將在我國的首都北京舉行,有關各國的人民正積極展開準備工作,派遣代表團前來參加會議。美洲太平洋沿岸的各国人民以極大的熱诚,歡迎這一會議的舉行。在智利,出席區域和平會議籌 美洲太平洋沿岸的各团人民以趣大的热淤,嗽迎适一舍粼的攀行。在智利,出席履域和平食栽霎愉合裁的代表寓徒勒里回团俊,霄向智利和乎委目舍全团软行委员舍以及各省分俞的代表们做了阴朴翁倩含蔽的报告,受到舆仓掌案的热烈欺迎。
The Asia-Pacific Regional Peace Conference will soon take place in Beijing, the capital of our country. The people of all countries concerned are actively preparing for the meeting and sending delegations to attend the meeting. The peoples of all nations along the Pacific coast of the Americas welcome the convening of this conference with great enthusiasm. In Chile, people from all walks of life on the Pacific coast of the Americas participating in the regional peace conference are encouraged to take a swirling climb. In Chile, the representative of Libya, who returned from the ceremony of peace and food cultivation in Hochiminh, returned to Tuan Junjun and made an invitation to the peacemakers in Huanghuai, Chile, Report, by the public palm case warmly welcome.