As an important part of our country’s industry, petroleum and petrochemical industry is a guarantee of production and construction, which provides the necessary support for the social and economic development. Therefore, we need to fully control the quality of petrochemical industry and conduct a rigorous audit to ensure that the petrochemical products are in conformity with the actual conditions Need. However, a certain amount of sulfide exists in petrochemical products, and its content will directly affect the quality of use of petrochemical products. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more detailed tests on petrochemical products and conduct scientific determination of sulfur content in petrochemical products Test, master a more scientific method to enhance the test results. This shows that trace sulfur content determination is an important part of the petrochemical industry. During the test, the test methods such as total sulfur determination and form flow analysis are mainly adopted to meet the requirements of the people for the quality of petrochemical products. In this paper, mainly for the determination of trace sulfur content in petrochemical products were analyzed.