去年以来 ,由于受国际市场化肥价格持续大幅上涨 ,国内用肥需求增加和化肥生产成本上升等诸多因素影响 ,化肥等农资市场价格持续上涨。党中央、国务院对此十分重视 ,中央领导同志多次做出重要批示 ,要求采取切实措施 ,保证化肥等农资的生产供应 ,抑制农资价格过快上涨。为了提
Since last year, due to the sustained sharp rise in the prices of chemical fertilizers in the international market, the increasing demand for domestic fertilizers and the rising cost of fertilizer production, the prices of agricultural fertilizers and other agricultural markets have continued to rise. The Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to this. The central leading comrades have made important instructions on many occasions and demanded that concrete measures be taken to ensure the supply and production of fertilizers and other agricultural materials and to curb the excessive rise in the prices of agricultural materials. To mention