美国是惟一的超级大国 ,也想主导世界秩序 ,但不可能建立单极世界 ,在美国国内也有部分精英反对这样做 ,多极化是必然趋势。多极化不是大国共管 ,除了其他大国外 ,多极化还应包括广大发展中国家及其他政治力量。经济全球化可以促进政治多极化的发展 ,但也有相互制约的一面。全球化并未导致单极化或美国化 ,不能把两者混同。全球化也为发展中国家实现经济跃进提供了机遇。
The United States is the only superpower that wants to dominate the world order, but it is impossible to establish a unipolar world. Some elites in the United States oppose this. Multipolarization is an inevitable trend. Multipolarization is not a major power concession. Apart from other major powers, multipolarization should also include the vast number of developing countries and other political forces. Economic globalization can promote the development of political multi-polarization, but there are also mutually restricting sides. Globalization did not lead to unilateralism or Americanization, nor can it be confused. Globalization also provides an opportunity for developing countries to achieve economic leap forward.