新个人所得税法公布实施以来。淮坊市税务局下大气力强化征收管理,抓好外商投资企业中中外双方人员的个人所得税征管,使税收大幅度增长,去年突破百万元大关。 他们以新个人所得税法实施为契机进行广泛政策宣传,举办座谈会、培训班,编印税法讲义,并通过广播、报刊、电视等新闻单位大造声势,还专门设立
Since the implementation of the new personal income tax law. Huai-fang City, under the great efforts to strengthen tax collection and management of levy, do a good job of foreign-invested enterprises in both domestic and foreign personnel of personal income tax collection and management, the tax revenue increased significantly last year exceeded 1 million mark. They took the opportunity of the implementation of the new personal income tax law to carry out extensive policy advocacy, hold seminars and training courses, and compiled lectures on tax laws. They also made major announcements through radio, newspapers, television and other news organizations and set up special