Multi-energy four-channel Kirkpatrick–Baez microscope for X-ray imaging diagnostics at the Shenguang

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mt156
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A four-channel Kirkpatrick–Baez microscope working at multiple energy bands is developed for multiframe X-ray imaging diagnostics at the Shenguang-II laser facility. The response to the multiple energy bands is realized by coating the double-periodic multilayers on the reflected surfaces of the microscope. Because of the limited size of the microstrips in the X-ray framing camera, the image separation is controlled by the conical angle of the reference cores during microscope assembly. This study describes the optical and multilayer design, assembly, and alignment of the developed microscope. The microscope achieves a spatial resolution of 4–5 mm in the laboratory and 10–20 mm at Shenguang-II laser facility within a 300 mm field of view. The versatile nature of the developed microscope enables the multiple microscopes currently installed in the laser facility to be replaced with a single, multipurpose microscope. A four-channel Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope working at multiple energy bands is developed for multiframe X-ray imaging diagnostics at the Shenguang-II laser facility. The response to the multiple energy bands is realized by coating the double-periodic multilayers on the reflected surfaces of the microscope. Because of the limited size of the microstrips in the X-ray framing camera, the image separation is controlled by the conical angle of the reference cores during the microscope assembly. This study describes the optical and multilayer design, assembly, and alignment of the developed microscope. The microscope achieves a spatial resolution of 4-5 mm in the laboratory and 10-20 mm at Shenguang-II laser facility within a 300 mm field of view. The versatile nature of the open microscope enables a multiple microscopes installed in the laser facility to be replaced with a single, multipurpose microscope.
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