急性异烟肼中毒,虽曾有过个案报道,确属少见。我科在近两年来先后收治2例,均经抢救成功。现报告如下: 病历摘要 例1.崔某某,女、16岁,以昏迷抽风2小时于1984年1月25日20:00入院。家长代述患者因闹情绪于当日16:00许,一次吞下“白药片”100片,18:00出现阵发性强直性抽风,约10分钟一次,每次持续半至1分钟,并昏迷不醒,急送我院。查体:T35.9℃,P136次/分,R22次/分,BP120/70mmHg,深昏迷状态,面色紫绀,头无畸形,瞳孔等大等圆,对光反射迟钝,口、鼻腔冒出粉红
Acute isoniazid poisoning, although there have been case reports, is indeed rare. Our department has admitted in the past two years, two cases, both by rescue success. The report is as follows: Summary of medical records 1. Cui Moumou, female, 16 years old, was admitted to hospital at 20:00 on January 25, 1984 with coma ventilation for 2 hours. Parents narrated patients because of nostalgia in the day 16:00 Xu, once swallowed “white pills” 100, 18:00 paroxysmal episodes of intermittent trachea, about 10 minutes, each for half to one minute and coma Do not wake up, rush to my hospital. Physical examination: T35.9 ℃, P136 beats / min, R22 beats / min, BP120 / 70mmHg, deep coma, cyanosis, no head deformity, pupil and other large circle, slow light reflex, mouth, nasal pink