One of Egypt’s camel husband, the stone into the animal’s uterus, is the first to use foreign bodies to achieve infertility test. Then Richter, Gräfenberg, and Ota invented the contraceptive method of laying the uterus with a gut, a silver ring, and a stainless steel ring. Until the sixties did not know the plastic ring instead of stainless steel ring contraceptive methods. Although more than 70 rings have been invented, only a few have been adopted. Second generation intrauterine devices (IUDs) with biological activity have been used. IUD shape, surface and size of contraceptive effects and side effects. Inactive IUD, such as in the uterine cavity is adapted to or with the uterine surface more tightly, the failure rate and prolapse rate is smaller. But only greater reliability, and increased side effects, especially spastic pain and bleeding, dalconazole intrauterine