
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzx_520360
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动机是研究旅游者行为和旅游系统的起点,识别徒步旅游的动机具有重要的理论与实践意义。该研究以在校大学生为对象,识别了徒步旅游动机的两个维度,分别为“自我完善”和“自我实现”。实证结果表明,徒步经历和徒步动机显著的影响大学生对徒步旅游的兴趣度、参与意愿和冒险倾向。研究结论对于徒步旅游业的营销及服务具有启示作用。 Motivation is the starting point for the study of tourists’ behavior and tourism system. It has important theoretical and practical significance to identify the motivation of hiking. This study, aimed at undergraduate college students, identifies two dimensions of walking motivation: “self-improvement” and “self-actualization.” The empirical results show that the trekking experience and trekking motivation significantly affect the degree of interest, willingness to participate and risk-taking of college students. The conclusion of the study is of enlightenment to the marketing and service of hiking industry.