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人民需要美的享受,更希望从美的享受中获得启迪。我们可喜地看到,存在一个时期的图解政治概念或直奔主题的电影处理手法既为众多的电影创作人员所唾弃,也早已为广大电影观众所不容。但在我国银幕上,电影创作中所表现出的“直,露、浅”的现象却仍然俯拾即是,我以为,电影艺术处理中的“直、露、浅”,在很大程度上,是由于我们的电影缺乏“意境”;由于缺乏“意境”,也就常常使某些影片重蹈直奔主题的老路。“意境”是我国传统美学中的一个极重要的范畴,它是构成一切艺术美的不可缺少的因素。绘画溶“意境”于可视性,音乐溶“意 The people need the enjoyment of beauty, but also want to gain enlightenment from the enjoyment of beauty. We are gratified to see that there is a period of graphical political concept or go straight to the subject of the film approach is not only cast aside for many movie creators, but also for the majority of moviegoers can not tolerate. However, on the screen of our country, the phenomenon of “Straight, Dew, Shallow” exhibited in filmmaking is still absentminded. In my opinion, the “Straight, Light, Darkness” in the art processing of cinema is due in large part to Our movie lacks “artistic conception.” Due to a lack of “artistic conception,” it is often the case that certain films are often repeated on the theme. “Artistic conception” is a very important category in our country’s traditional aesthetics, and it is an indispensable factor in forming all artistic beauty. Painting dissolved “mood” in the visibility, music dissolved "meaning
意义——  这个会,老重要了  7月6日至7日,中央党的群团工作会议召开。习大大出席会议并发表重要讲话,强调党的群团工作肩负着庄严使命。中共中央政治局常委李克强、张德江、俞正声、王岐山、张高丽出席会议,刘云山作总结讲话。  由党中央召开党的群团工作会议,这在党的历史上是第一次。会议的主要任务是分析研究新形势下党的群团工作面临的新情况新问题,贯彻落实《关于加强和改进党的群团工作的意见》,总结成功经验