信息网络根据其布网地域不同,通常分为局域网。城域网和广域网等多种。随着信息技术的日益发展和广大网民对信息需求的不断增长,宽带网的触角已伸及寻常百姓家。于是,一种享有宽带网“末梢神经”之称的家域网(HAV)随之脱颖而出。 家域网是指将每家每户(办公室)中的各
Information network according to their geographical distribution network, usually divided into LAN. MAN and WAN and other. With the continuous development of information technology and the increasing demand for information from vast numbers of Internet users, the antennae of broadband networks have reached out to ordinary people. As a result, a home network (HAV) that enjoys the “peripheral nerve” of the broadband network has come to the fore. Home network refers to each household (office) in each