洪水肆虐,南北夹攻。中国人民面对历史上罕见的特大洪水,在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,军民拼死奋战,展现了一幅幅惊天地、泣鬼神的战洪图。六十多个日夜的人水搏击,谁不为之牵挂,谁不为之鼓舞,谁不为之动情啊! 沧海横流,方显出英雄本色。洪灾给人民和国家带来了巨大的损失,但抗洪抢险斗争中形成的万众一心、众志成城,不怕困难、顽强拼搏,坚韧不拔、敢于胜利的伟大抗洪精神,对各方面的“作将起巨大的推动作用。在战胜洪魔的斗争中,纪检监察战线的同志特别是长江、嫩江、松花江流域遭受水灾地方的纪检监察机关和干部,经受住了一次严峻的考验。他们忠于职守,以坚强的党性维护各项纪律的执行;他们心系群众安危,与群众同生死共患难;他们身先士卒,战斗在最危险的堤段;他们不忘职能,严格监督救灾款物的分发……这一切都是抗洪精神的具体体现。 下面一组报道来自抗洪前线,它从几个侧面反映了我们党的卫士、人民监察官在抗洪斗争中的风采、很值得一读。
Flood raging, North and South folder attack. Faced with a rare and extraordinary flood in history, the Chinese people, under the firm leadership of the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core, have worked hard to show the world war and the zombie. More than sixty people fighting water day and night, who care about whom, who are not encouraged, who do not Emotional ah! Sea cross-section, square heroic qualities. The floods have brought tremendous losses to the people and the country. However, the great flood fighting spirit formed in the fight against floods and floods, which is concerted by one heart and one mind, is determined not to be difficult, to be indomitable, to persevere, to dare to victory, In the struggle against Hong Demons, comrades on the discipline inspection and supervision front, especially the discipline inspection and supervision organs and cadres in areas affected by floods in the Yangtze River, Nenjiang River and Songhua River valley, stood a severe test. Party spirit maintains the implementation of various disciplines; they are concerned with the safety of the masses and share common life and death with the masses; they take the lead and fight at the most dangerous embankments; they do not forget their functions and strictly supervise the distribution of relief funds and materials ... All this is The concrete manifestation of the spirit of flood fighting is as follows: The following group of reports comes from the flood fighting frontline and reflects several aspects of the demeanor of our party’s defender and people’s public prosecutor in the fight against floods. It is worth reading.