Air DrillingIn air drilling, compressed air be-comes the circulating medium, insteadof other fluids, to lift cuttings to the sur-face. In applications it’s suited for, airdrilling can be a big time and moneysaver when compared to fluid drilling.It can save nearly half the cost of con-ventional mud drilling in some cases.Penetration rates are usually at leasttwice that of fluid drilling, depending onformations, bit type, mud weight, andviscosity. Air drilling extends bit ser-vice life, making it possible to save
Air DrillingIn air drilling, compressed air be-comes the circulating medium, insteadof other fluids, to lift cuttings to the sur-face. In applications it’s suited for, airdrilling can be a big time and moneysaver when compared to fluid drilling .It can save nearly half the cost of con-ventional mud drilling in some cases. Penetration rates are usually at leasttwice that of fluid drilling, depending onformations, bit type, mud weight, and viscosity. Air drilling extends bit ser-vice life, making it possible to save