1975年在三化螟发蛾期间,我们将三化螟雌蛾放在长15厘米、直径3厘米的塑料纱养虫笼内,置于水盆上,盆内保持适量皂粉水,盆口略高于稻苗,傍晚放,早晨收。 通过试验表明,雄蛾在性引诱盆内的消长规律,一般能反映客观实际情况,与预测灯下蛾量消长情况基本相吻合。三化螟蛾在性引诱盆中和诱测灯下的始盛期均在8月12—13日,二次发蛾高峰也均在8月16—17日和8月19—21日。 在螟蛾性引诱试验中,我们有如下几点看法: 1.雌蛾羽化后,当晚即可交尾,且表现较强的性引诱能力,至第三天性引诱力明显下降。在养虫笼内,雌蛾寿命一般仅三天左右,为了系统掌握蛾量消长情况,
In 1975, when the stem borer hair moths, we will be three female borer moths on a length of 15 cm, 3 cm in diameter plastic cage feeding cages, placed in the basin, the basin to maintain the amount of soap powder water, basin mouth Slightly higher than the rice seedlings, put in the evening, the morning income. The experiment shows that the law of growth and decline of male moths in the sexually-induced basins can generally reflect the actual situation, which is in good agreement with the prediction of the quantity and growth of the moths. The first three stages of Pythium infested moths were in August-August 13-13 in the sex-inducing pots and the induction lamps, and the secondary moths were both in August 16-17 and August 19-21. We have the following observations in the sexually-induced test of Pyralidae: 1. After the females were eclosion, they were able to cross the same night and showed strong sexual attractiveness, which showed a significant decrease to the third sexual sexual attraction. In the feeding cage, the female moth usually lives only about three days, in order to grasp the growth and decline of moth system,