前期准备工作 第一步是着手向来我院进修的海军部队医院的医生进行调查,初步了解在特殊环境下的流行病学状况和相应的医疗卫生措施,了解当前医院在为兵服务中迫切作者单位 1.解放军总医院医学情报中心,北京 100853 2.海军422医院,广东湛江 524005需要解决的问题。第?..
The first step in the preparatory work is to start a survey to the doctors of the Naval Forces Hospital where our institute has been studying for a preliminary understanding of the epidemiological status and corresponding medical and health measures in special circumstances and to understand the current situation of the urgent need of the author 1. Medical Information Center, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China 2. Naval 422 Hospital, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524005, China To be solved. No.