借问将星何处多,知者遥指荣成市。 在1392平方公里的土地上竟能诞生130多位将军,这不能不说这是一个奇迹。在这块神奇的土地上,人们那纯朴憨厚的品质,坚韧刚强的意志,诚实淳朴的性格,博大宽厚的胸怀和永往直前的精神,已经流淌于子孙后代的血脉,塑造成荣成人的基本素质。 海洋观·海防观·国防观 21世纪是海洋的世纪。1998年被联合国命名为“国际海洋年”。蔚蓝的海洋,流动的国土,吸引着世人关注的目光。 中国不仅有960万平方公里陆上国土,还有近300万平方公里的“海洋国土”,海洋向来维系国家的安危。素有“海洋东面险要之区”之称的荣成,在新中国成
Where to ask more than the star, who knows Rongsheng Yao Zhi. It is a miracle that more than 130 generals were to be born on 1,392 square kilometers of land. On this magical land, people’s simple and honest quality, tenacious and strong will, honest and honest character, generous mind and everlasting spirit have flowed in the blood of future generations and shaped the basic Quality. Ocean View, Sea View and National Defense View The 21st century is the century of the ocean. 1998 by the United Nations named “International Year of the Ocean.” Blue ocean, the flow of land, attracting the attention of the world. China not only has 9.6 million square kilometers of terrestrial land, but also nearly 3 million square kilometers of “marine territory.” The ocean has always maintained the nation’s safety. Known as “the marine east of the area” of Rongcheng, in new China