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  开始时大家都觉得在球场举行party是不行的,但当第一场 “Sensation”音乐派对的票统统卖光时,他们创造了球场上另一种震撼人心的欢腾——大型白色舞台、机械巨臂、蹦极跳表演,还有长毛怪人、中国舞龙游走于穿着各式白色服装的人海中,接踵并肩的白色人潮随着音乐和烟火涌动。
  动辄几百万的启动资金,this could MAKE or BREAK him!然而他,就是喜欢这样的挑战:“生命中有很多个第一次,第一次的感觉是最好的。”凭着对电子音乐的热忱,他让自己不断迎接新的冲击的同时,让许多欧洲青年体验着人生中的第一次白色狂欢。
  Aged 34 years old, Duncan Stutterheim’s business turns over €35 million a year. He’s Europe’s biggest party 2)promoter.
  Duncan: Just do it, and if it goes wrong, just do it again.
  This is “Sensation.” Pure theatre. And Sensation isn’t just a party; it’s a unique event. Held in massive football stadiums across Holland, 50,000 3)clubbers pay €60 each to hear top DJs play 10 hours of non-stop dance music. As well as the music, the night includes a series of amazing acts, laser shows and fireworks. And the 4)euphoric clubbers must all wear 5)black or white. Costing millions of Euros to stage, Duncan loves taking risks in order to 6)throw a party.
  He started his multi-million-Euro company,7)ID&T in 1991, when he and some friends decided to throw a warehouse party.
  Duncan: I didn’t start it because of the love of the music for ourselves. We were at that age of 20 and we wanted to give a small party, so we did for 500 people, and we really enjoyed it, and so, OK, let’s do another one.
  The first party they held made them €1,000. A year later, their “Final Exam” party made them 50,000, and from then the parties and their income just got bigger and bigger and bigger.
  Duncan: The first time in Holland we did “Sensation,” we lost about 700,000. We know now if you want to do something new, the first time it will cost money, a lot of money.
  Duncan’s skill has been to convert what he loves doing into a hugely profitable business.
  Duncan: We grew until we had, from hobby to profession. I never thought, of course, you could combine your hobby with your work. It’s always a good thing to do. It feels real natural and feels like fun.
  Being successful to me means to be creative, to be different, to do things everybody sees but nobody does. For us it’s very exciting to…to really…to look at the people and, are they having a good time? It’s for me very important that people go out and say “Wow!”
  The dance music craze has been going for over a decade. But by constantly pushing the 8)boundaries, Duncan is keeping it 9)alive and kicking.
  Throw a Black and White Theme Party at Home!
  While it may be difficult to transform a room into all black and white, you can find ways to come close! You can use some black and white sheets and blankets for table coverings and, if you have enough, as wall hangings to set off part of the room.
  Black and white balloons and crepe paper[绉纸] are inexpensive ways to add a festive flair[特别的风格]. Consider making fake flowers out of tissue paper. Simply gather the paper in the center and secure with some black or white threads, and you’ll soon have a bouquet[花束].
  Silver is traditionally allowed at the black and white party. You can create your own accents out of silver paper, including stars and the moon to hang from the ceiling and spread around the floor and on the tables.
   Lighten up the party with black and white retro[怀旧] sunglasses given to each guest as they arrive.
  Attire and Foods
  Invitations will obviously be black and white as well. For a fun twist[新花样], consider using black invitations and write on them with silver and white gel pens. Make sure your guests understand that they are only allowed to wear black and white and bring black and white food.Tips for food: Oreos[奥利奥奶油夹心巧克力饼干], black beans, white cheese cake, pastas...and experiment!
  This type of party can be great fun for everyone involved.


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男主持:噢,这真是个神奇的故事。你知道,这样的事情只有在我们这一行才会发生。  女主持:啊,真是太难以置信了!