Is it possible for Japan to have a female emperor in the future?

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  Japan is one of 26 countries around the world that still has an imperial family. The current Emperor has a daughter but not a son, which poses a very serious question for succession. According to “The Imperial Household Law,” the royal line passes through the male children.Therefore, is it possible for Japan to have a female emperor in the future?
  By reading The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, In the Dynasty of the Dying Emperor and Princess Masako Prisoner of the Chrysanthemum Throne, plenty of valuable and worthy information about this topic is gathered, examined, and synthesized.In this case, I use the information in these books as thebackbone of my essay.
  The Imperial House of Japan, also referred to as the Imperial family or the Yamato Dynasty, comprises those members of the extended family of the reigning emperor of Japanwho undertake official and public duties ( The duties as an Emperor are passed down the line through their male children. The succession is regulated by “The Imperial Household Law,” which is a statute in Japanese law that governs the line of imperial succession, the membership of the imperial family, and several other matters pertaining to the administration of the Imperial Household. “It was passed during the Shōwa era (from 1926 to 1989) on January 16, 1947, by the last session of the Imperial Diet. This law superseded the Imperial Household Law of 1889, which had enjoyed co-equal status with the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and could only be amended by the emperor. The revised statute is subordinate to the Constitution of Japan, which went into effect on May 3, 1947.” ( )
  Nowadays, aging problem is highly serious around the world, and it is especially serious in Japan, even in the imperial family. The recent empress of Japan whose name is Masako became distressed after the marriage due to the high pressure of giving birth to a male successor. Masako’s first pregnancy was announced in December 1999, but she miscarried. On December 1st 2001, Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako had a daughter——Aiko, Princess Toshi. She was the first and the only child of Naruhito and Masako. Unfortunately, everyone knew that Aiko could never be the successor, given Japanese tradition.The Imperial Household tried to find a way to solve the tough situation. However, they could not find any male memberthat was a proper choice for the successor. Thereby, the best way to solve the trouble was to change the law and allow the royal family to have female emperor (Ben Hills, 2009).   However, on September 6, 2006, Naruhito’s younger brother, Fumihito, Prince Akishino, had a baby boy. It was beyond all doubt that the law would not be changed, and the dynasty could continue through the male line. Prince Fumihito would be the successor of Emperor Naruhito, and Prince Hisahito would be the successor of Fumihito. (Ben Hills, 2009).
  However, I hold my perspective that this situation will not last too long. First and foremost, in Japan history, there have been overall 8 female emperors. In this case, history testifies that in certain circumstance, the appearance of a female emperor is acceptable and reasonable. Furthermore, the government holds the similar opinion as mine. In 2005, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi realized people’s thoughts and intended to change the law (Ben Hills, 2009). Although the law is not published, this means that the same thing would happen in the future if there is only a female successor in the royal family in the future. Moreover, the citizens in Japan support having female emperor. In 2006 February, NHK set a survey to 1019 people aged over 20 after releasing the news of the pregnancy of Prince Fumihito’s wife. 71% of respondents agreed and 11% people disagreed. In 2009, when Prince Hisahito was three, NHK conducted a survey of people aged over 20, and 2043 people responded to this survey. 77% of people agreed with having a female emperor, and 14% people disagreed. In 2019 March, Jiji news agency announced their result about female emperor. 69.8% people agreed and 11.2% people disagreed (Zhihu). In general, we can notice that news result from 2005 to 2019 indicated that the agreement is always more than the disagreement. Therefore, for the public, it is not problematic to accept a female emperor. Besides, people in Japan are not favor in Prince Fumihito. In their eyes, he does not follow the moral code, and he has negative reputation. The negative comments are caused by his gossip news. Although it was just gossip, Fumihito became a character with improper behavior in Japanese opinions. Plus, in other countries, having female emperor might not invoke any controversy. Nowadays, 7 European countries allow the existence of female successor, and Thailand also permits having female emperor too though it is in Asia, which means that Japan is able to accept the female emperor in modern society.
  Although the status of women in Japanese society has traditionally been inferior to that of men, there has been a great deal of change in popular perception. This has also had an influence in thinking about the royal succession, although for the foreseeable future, Japan will still have a male emperor.
近年来,面对一位倒在地上的老人,扶还是不扶,已经成为不少人都要“掂量一下”的问题。扶老人反被讹的事件纷纷见诸报端,让“扶老人”还是“撞老人”屡屡成为真相扑朔迷离的“罗生门”。针对这种现象,近日,支付宝推出了一个“扶老人险”。保险推出后,几天时间内便有2.6万余人投保。那么,该险种能否真使正义感落地?社会道德问题又能否用物质金钱来解决呢?  保险为善良保驾  支付宝从没有一项业务像推出的“扶老人险”
1999年盛夏的一天,时任中国建设银行山东省临沂市莒南县支行十泉路储蓄所主任的刘华东不辞而别,和他一同消失的除了他的妻子,还有县劳动社会保障局机关事业单位社会保险事业处(下称“县机保处”)存在该行的95万余元巨款。自接到举报的那一刻起,莒南县检察院就多次组织人员进行追逃,虽然因技术手段的局限等原因均无功而返,但从未放弃对刘华东的追逃。  “凤凰男”跌落枝头  1994年7月毕业后,刘华东被分配到建
6年了,耶鲁大学经济学专业毕业的秦玥飞,仍留守在田野上。他如今正全心投入公益组织“黑土麦田”,通过对接资源,帮助农村创业者和大学生“村官”发展当地产业,改变农村面貌。2017年2月8日,他获颁“感动中国”2016年度人物。  农村有很大空间  从湖南衡山县到白云村,车子要开半个多小时,这段路的宽度仅供一辆车通过。  秦玥飞就在白云村工作。村妇女主任方菊华对秦玥飞评价极高:“他是村里的第一书记,但村
夜晚9点,困倦的眼皮抵挡着飞机机舱内刺眼的灯光。在座位上打盹的我,突然想起,就是去年的今天,我割断了原来的生活,心里装着盲目的勇敢和乐观,飞了1200公里,来到这片陌生的土地。  过去是在体制内,现在是在体制外。  不舍与不甘  我依然记得一年前,向教育局递交辞职信的那个下午,副局长表示不解的复杂表情。我心里也五味杂陈。从办公室出来后,我看到旁边的一个办公室门前排着长龙,是刚考进编制的年轻老师们在
广东省深圳市蛇口工业区,“时间就是金钱效率就是生命”标语  深圳经济特区作为改革开放的“试验田”和“窗口”,曾诞生过许许多多突破思想束缚、催人奋进革新的口号,“时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”就是其中之一。这句口号折射出的“发展就是硬道理”和“追求效率”理念,是经济特区突破重重阻力、杀出一条血路精神的集中体现。一节生动的现场教学课  “时间就是金钱,效率就是生命”的提出者,是被称为“蛇口之父”的袁庚。
着装不羁的外国朋克青年站在大朵中国牡丹花之上,爱因斯坦和人民币在镜头上起舞,国家主席习近平的形象与摇滚“变色龙”大卫·鲍威的卡通人物“同画”……当看到这些画面时,任谁都会有一种时空穿越的感觉。  这正是之前在全球引发热议并被封为“神曲”的《十三五之歌》。它在中共十八届五中全会召开之时,将中国“十三五”规划以轻松幽默的动漫模式传唱开来,引发海外舆论广泛关注。  停不下来的“十三五”  “脑子里都是这
官方发布  5月25日,上海纽约大学2021届本科生毕业典礼在上海东方艺术中心举行,庆祝近300名毕业生顺利完成四年学业。这也是学校自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来首次举办线下毕业典礼。226名毕业生出席了典礼现场,他们依次走上舞台,从校长手中接过分别由美国纽约大学和上海纽约大学颁发的两张学位证书;其余69名毕业生远程参加线上典礼。此次典礼全程现场直播,向全世界观众播放。  通过“就近入学”项目在上纽大就读
上世纪30年代中期,中国的天空战争阴云密布,在此敏感时刻,国共两大阵营相继发生青年军官枪杀女性事件。先是1935年,32岁的国军上校团长张钟麟怀疑新婚仅两年的妻子吴海兰不忠而在西安将其枪杀;后是1937年10月,26岁的红军师团级干部黄克功因逼婚未遂在延安枪杀了陕北公学女学员刘茜。  这两起事件,在当时的西安和延安都分别引起了满城风波,但两人接下来的命运并不一样:  张钟麟杀妻后,依旧在胡宗南那里
老挝哈开村的小姑娘阿诺没听说过“一带一路”。虽然,她的生活轨迹已被这个诞生三年多的倡议改变。  柬埔寨少女林金丽曾以为因病致贫后将面对黯淡的人生。但是,懵懂间作出的选择让她绽放出自信的微笑……  “一带一路”倡议正悄然改变着许多人的生活。  小阿诺补牙  来自中国的医生哥哥帮阿诺修补了牙齿,这一下,“小漏斗”补上了,她可以笑了。  旱季,老撾南芒河边的村庄酷热无雨。  外号“小漏斗”的小姑娘阿诺终
在可歌可泣的长征岁月里,有一段广为传播的“红军票”故事。  银行“大搬家”  1934年10月初,成立两年多的中华苏维埃共和国国家银行接到突围的命令:十天内,整装待发,把整个国家银行带走,随中央红军主力行动。  财政部和国家银行被编成第十五大队,随中央纵队行动。这是一个肩负特别重任的长征大队。他们肩挑、马驮着整个国家银行在突围中前行,承载着中华苏维埃共和国的经济金融命脉。  1935年1月初,十五