
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkj0062
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为了缅怀方毅,反映方毅革命、战斗的一生。福建省革命历史纪念馆征集方毅文物小组在杨卫东馆长带领下,于2005年7月12日前往北京征集方毅文物。方毅的夫人殷森对即将在纪念馆举办的《方毅文物展》表示感谢,同意把方毅生前用过的一些文物捐献给纪念馆作永久收藏。经过整理,共捐出56件文物,其中主要有蓝色西服和蓝格西服各1套(1979年随中国政府代表团访美时 In order to cherish the memory of Fang Yi, Fang Yi revolution, fighting life. Fujian Provincial Revolutionary Historical Museum solicited Fang Yi Cultural Relics Team led by Yang Weidong on July 12, 2005 to Beijing to collect Fang Yi relics. Fang Yi’s wife, Yin Sen, expressed his thanks to the upcoming “Fang Yi Cultural Relics Exhibition” held in the Memorial Hall and agreed to donate some of the cultural relics used by Fang Yi to the Memorial Hall for permanent collection. After finishing, a total of 56 pieces of cultural relics were donated, mainly including 1 set of blue suits and blue grid suits (with the visit of the Chinese government delegation to the United States in 1979
The interaction of complex Eu(bpy)_3 (3+) with DNA was studied by fluorophotometry. The binding constant ( K ) and size ( n ) of the binding site were calculate
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) shows that repeated melting of mother ingot improves the stability of icosahedral phase (I-phase) precipitated from Zr65
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The chemical and physical interaction mechanisms of the water mist with diffusion flame of liquid fuels are investigated.The difference of the thermograms and
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