抓住机遇 乘势而上 为武钢新一轮的改革发展提供有力的思想保证——刘本仁同志在武钢思想政治工作会议上的讲话

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今天公司党委召开思想政治工作会议,主题是深入学习江泽民总书记在中央思想政治工作会议上的重要讲话,认真贯彻中央、省市、冶金系统思想政治工作会议和《中央企业工委关于加强和改进中央企业思想政治工作的意见》精神,分析形势,交流经验,提出进一步加强和改进武钢思想政治工作的思路与对策。刚才符德勤同志传达了中央思想政治工作会议精神,四个单位作了经验交流,张明达同志还要就加强和改进思想政治工作讲话。今天会议表彰了一批优秀思想政治工作者,我代表公司向获奖个人表示热烈的祝贺!今年是思想政治工作加强年。6月底,中央专门召开了思想政治工作会议。这次会议以邓小平理论和党的十五大精神为指导,强调思想政治工作是我们党忠实履行“三个代表”职责的重要思想保证,进一步明确了思想政 Today, the party committee of the Company holds the ideological and political work conference. The theme of the meeting is to thoroughly study General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s important speech at the central conference on ideological and political work, conscientiously implement the ideological and political work meetings of the central, provincial and municipal governments and the metallurgical system, Opinions of Ideological and Political Work of Central Enterprises “, analyze the situation and exchange experiences, and put forward the ideas and countermeasures for further strengthening and improving WISCO’s ideological and political work. Comrade Fu Deqin just delivered the spirit of the conference on the ideological and political work of the central government and the four units exchanged experiences. Comrade Zhang Mingda also needed to address the issue of strengthening and improving ideological and political work. Today, the conference honored a group of outstanding ideological and political workers. On behalf of the company, I hereby extend my warm congratulation to the individuals who won the award. This year marks the year when ideological and political work is intensified. At the end of June, the Central Committee held a special conference on ideological and political work. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the 15th CPC National Congress, this conference emphasizes that ideological and political work is an important guarantee of our party’s faithful fulfillment of the duties of ”three represents," and further clarifies that ideological and political work
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