近年来,膳食纤维对机体代谢和生理机能的影响越来越受到人们的重视。膳食纤维被用于肥胖症、便秘、憩肉和糖尿病等的治疗。纤维膳食对肠道菌群的影响已有报道。但魔芋膳食对肠道菌群的影响,特别是对便秘者肠道菌群的影响尚未见报道。 作者对12名排便正常者和17名便秘者进行
In recent years, dietary fiber on the body metabolism and physiological functions more and more people’s attention. Dietary fiber is used in the treatment of obesity, constipation, rest and meat and diabetes. The impact of fiber diet on gut flora has been reported. However, the impact of konjac diet on intestinal flora, especially intestinal flora of constipation has not been reported. The authors performed on 12 normal bowel movements and 17 constipation