文章首先从词源学的角度阐释了“全球本土化”概念的内涵,以及将之作为现实背景对社区营造展开研究的当代意义.文章指出,通过具体的微观情境来理解全球本土化的概念,是社区营造研究中全面理解本土社会全球化进程最适宜的分析框架.基于此,文章从微观全球化视角出发,以日本的社区营造为例,考察了全球本土化进程对日本社会产生的影响.日本的社区营造除了具备西方社会倡导的“公众参与”所普遍具有的政治学和社会学因素外,还强调从文化的角度来理解日本传统空间意象的保护意义.文章选取东京神乐坂作为研究案例,通过剖析其在社区营造过程中话语实践的创新,来探究日本社会在全球本土化过程中表现出来的复杂性和驱动力.文章关注全球化体系中神乐坂的本土化社区在社会关系塑造中的作用,并通过解析自下而上的营造与由上至下的规划之间产生的矛盾与耦合关系,重点论述日本社区营造当前面临的机遇和挑战,从而希望对中国正在推进的社区营造运动有所启示.“,”This paper first explains the etymological connotation of Glocalization and interprets its authenticity and contemporary significance for studying community building. It argues that understanding Glocalization in specific contexts offers an ideal analysis framework to comprehend the globalization processes of local societies.This paper, by adopting a perspective of microglobalization, studies the community building in Japan to manifest the influence of the process of Glocalization on Japanese societies. In addition to the political and sociological factors prevalent in the public engagement of community building advocated by western countries, Japanese practice is characterized for emphasizing the cultural significance of the traditional Japanese spatial image. Taking the community building case in Kagurazaka of Tokyo, it illustrates the creative discourse practice in the local community building to probe into the complexity and driving forces in Japan's Glocalization. In addition, this paper focuses on the role of the localized community in shaping the social relations in Kagurazaka under globalization. By analyzing the contradictions and associations between the bottom-up building and the top-down planning, it discusses the opportunities and challenges faced by the community building in Japan and hopes to offer inspirations for the current community-building movement in China.