Shanghai is one of the important industrial cities in China. The coal needed is transferred from other places. Shanghai Port now shoulders 83.2% of Shanghai’s coal transportation tasks and is responsible for the coal transfer missions of the eastern provinces. In the 1950s, Shanghai’s coal handling capacity averaged about 5.6 million tons per year, and it averaged about 11.4 million tons per year in the 1970s. It averaged 18.7 million tons per year in the 1970s, and there was a new increase in the 1980s. During the 34 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the berths for the coal handling terminal at Shanghai Port have not increased, the coastline has remained at around 2,000 meters, the area of the coal yard has reached around 400,000 square meters, and the coal handling capacity has greatly increased. From 1974 to 1982 In the year, the coal throughput soared from 16 million tons to 33.9 million tons, which has doubled in eight years. The Shanghai Port has made such progress, mainly through technological transformation of the Beibu Terminal in the Sixth District of the Coal Handling Zone and the South China Terminal in the Seventh District. The management system has been accordingly reformed, and the post economic responsibility system has been established and improved.