How many audiences have left unforgettable impressions on the film “Lei Feng” and “Dong Cunrui” that shape the image of ordinary soldiers? But by the 1980s, we seldom saw films that mainly reflected the themes of ordinary soldiers on the screen. In recent years, the films about military themes shot by our country, such as “army trainee officers”, “the road is merciless but affectionate” and “the war has taken women away” Even if there are some communication staff, guard and other supporting role. The army bases itself on soldiers. They share the same love and family, joy and pain, pursuit and sorrow as soldiers in the armed forces. They have a rich mix of vivid characters, images and lifestyles. The touching and writable material in their lives is just what they can. In the battle of blood and fire, that charge is not much ordinary soldiers arrayed it? But this movie director to find, dig and reflect.