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在生产力发展中,起最终决定作用的是人还是生产工具?按照传统的观点说,应该是人。现在有人提出不同的看法,认为不应是人,而应是生产工具。对这两种截然相反的观点到底应该怎么看呢? 我认为,在生产力发展中起最终决定作用的应该是人而不是生产工具。诚然,生产工具是生产力中的重要因素,在生产力的发展中起着极其重要的作用。生产工具的状况标志着生产力的发展水平。生产工具落后,生产力也就落后,劳动生产率也就低,生产工具先进,生产力也就先进,劳动生产率也就高。但是生产工具是由人来制造和使用的。人是社会生产实践的主体。没有人就没有社会生产,也就没有生产工具。很明显,没有人的制造,生产工具不可能凭空产生,没有人去使用它,没有劳动者同它结合起来,即使是最先进的生产工具也 In the development of productive forces, is the person or the tool of production the ultimate decisive factor? According to the traditional view, it should be human beings. Some people now put forward different views, believing they should not be human beings but rather production tools. What should be the opposite views? In my opinion, the ultimate determinant of the development of productive forces should be people rather than tools of production. It is true that production tools are an important factor in productivity and play an extremely important role in the development of productivity. The status of production tools marks the level of development of productivity. With the backward production tools, the productive forces lag behind, the labor productivity is also low, the production tools are advanced, the productivity is advanced and the labor productivity is also high. But production tools are made and used by people. Man is the main body of social production practice. No one there is no social production, there is no production tool. Obviously, no one can make, a production tool can not be created in the air, no one can use it, and no worker can combine it with it. Even the most advanced production tools
地点:上海面积:1300平方米室内设计:Kokaistudios主设计师:Andrea Destefanis,Filippo Gabbiani完成时间:2015年4月摄影师:夏宇Kokaistudios与名厨Paul Pairet合作为亚洲顶尖
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