过去100年,人类生活在“模拟”世界里,电影院里看到的美国大片、Walkman中听到的流行音乐.电话中的甜言蜜语,甚至一包括各位现在从扩音器里听到的声音;无不是以模拟信号进行处理、发送和接收的。然而,刚刚开始的21世纪将开启一个数字化的世纪,我们可以随时随地用任意的产品得到信息和服务。每一个人坐在家中就可以看大片,十几张CD中的歌曲可以压缩在一张盘中带在身边;电话不但可以倾诉离情别义,还能够一睹远方亲人的音容笑貌!这样的生活,10年前还只能是异想天开,而今天,家庭数字影院、MP3、可视电话的名字对许多居住在城市的普通中国人来说,也已经耳熟能详。这些,就是数字化新 生活吗?不,这仅仅是21世纪人类数字化生活的前奏曲。
Over the past 100 years, human life in the “analog” world, the American blockbuster seen in movie theaters, popular music in Walkman, the sweet talk on the phone, and even the sounds you now hear from the megaphone; Not to analog signal processing, sending and receiving. However, the beginning of the 21st century will open a digital century where we can get information and services from any product. Everyone sitting in the home can see a large, more than a dozen CD songs can be compressed in a plate with the side; the phone can not only talk about the sentiment, but also to see distant relatives of the voice of the smile! Such a life, 10 Years ago it was only fantastic. Today, the names of home digital cinemas, MP3s and videophones are familiar to many ordinary Chinese living in the cities. Are these new digital lives? No, this is just a prelude to the digital life of the 21st century.