十大新闻 1.我国正式成为WTO成员。 2.北京申奥成功,将给中国产业经济带来巨大商机。 3.今年世界经济明显减缓,而我国经济保持较快增长。 4.西部大开发的标志性工程——青藏铁路全线开工。 5.我国跻身世界十大信息产业国之列,手机用户数跃居全球第一。
Top Ten News 1. China officially became a WTO member. 2. Beijing’s successful bid for the Olympic Games will bring tremendous business opportunities to China’s industrial economy. 3. The world economy slowed down significantly this year while our economy maintained its rapid growth. 4. Landmark Project for Western Development - Opening of Qinghai-Tibet Railway across the board 5. China ranks among the top 10 countries in the world in information technology, with the number of mobile phone users ranking first in the world.