The number of induced abortions in the United States has increased from 19349 in 1970 to 1300000 in 1980, which has remained between 1300000 and 1400000 (in 1992, it was 1429577 and in 1992 it was 1359145). (1) Race distribution: White accounted for 61.3%, Negro 31.1%, other races 7.6%. (2) Of the ethnic minorities: Latins account for 20.2% and non-Latisans 79.8%. (3) Marital status: married 18.4%, separated 7.25%, divorced 9.4%, widowed 0.5%, never married 64.45%. (4) live births: 45.4% of those who have not been produced. 24.7% for 1 product, 17.8% for 2 product, 7.7% for 3 product and 4.4% for> 4 product. (5) Religious Beliefs: Christianity accounts for 37.4%, Catholicism accounts for 31.3%, Judaism accounts for 1.3%, other religions account for 6.3% and unbelievers account for 23.7%. (6) Culture