提 起 著 名 电 影 演 员 王 馥荔,人们自然会联想到她在《咱们的 牛 百 岁》 中 扮 演的 菊 花 、《日 出》中扮 演 的 翠喜 ,以 及 那一个又一个的嫂子形象。她扮演嫂子的角色,得心应手,炉火纯青,好像天生就是这块料,因而被人们誉为“天下第一嫂”。 王 馥 荔 原 籍 天 津 ,
With the famous film actress Wang Fu Li, people naturally think of her playing the chrysanthemum in “One Hundred Years of Our Ox,” Cui Xi in “Sunrise,” and the image of one another sister-in-law. She plays the role of sister-in-law, handy, blazing, it seems that nature is this piece of material, which was hailed as “the best in the world.” Wang Fu Li origin of Tianjin,